Conductors & Insulators

Conductors & Insulators

Conductor is the name assigned to a broad catagory of materials through which a practical amount of electric current can flow under normal conditions. Most conductors are metallic. The usefulness of metal to conduct electric current stems from the abundance of free...


Phase is the timing relationship between two different sine waves. If two generators are connected across a given load in series, and if their armatures begin rotating together at exactly the same time and speed, two different alternating voltages will be produced. In...


No matter which way we turn or twist the wire, the left hand rule applies. But what happens if we put a loop in the wire? When the wire is looped, as you will see from the on the right, the little magnetic fields that wrap around the wire cross through each...
Alternating Current

Alternating Current

There are various ways to produce electricity. We can produce electricity chemically with a battery or electricity can be produced mechanically by a generator. It is important understand difference between electricity produced by a battery, and electricity produced by...
Glossary of Electronics terms

Glossary of Electronics terms

AMPLITUDE: The magnitude of change in a varying quantity from it’s zero value. Usually measured in Voltage, or deciBels, can denote volume. ATOM: The smallest particle of an element that shares the properties of that element. They consist of ELECTRONS, PROTONS,...